Camp facilities
Posted by Niels P Silberbauer on May 15 2010 10:13:23
Eurocamp offers a range of free facilities to make life easier on the camp site.
Some of the more important is mentioned below:
- Nice toilets - offcause with fresh water.
- Hot Showers - boost your morning!
- Refrigerators to store your food. (With padlocks - so nobody steals your Nutella®)
- Wireless internet connection (just bring your laptop, 14 days is a looong time without facebook, email)
- Computers with internet connection (if you don't bring your own computer)
- Charge station for cell phones, cameras, laptops etc.
- Camp bikes, makes it easy to come around the camp side, go to the nearby supermarked etc.
- A climbing tower including instructors to help you.
- Pole climbing, also with instructors.
- A beach volleyball field where the high prestige Eurocamp-Volley-Tournament will be played.
- A 24 hour Info shack - for questions and any kind of help
The camp site is divided into different areas. To get a overview see the picture below.
Please click on the picture to view it in full size

1. Information Center (Info shack)
2. Activity Area
3. Toilet and shower facilities
4. Camp area 1 consisting of 8 cells, each approx. 250 m²
5. Family camp area
6. The big stage for performances, camp fires and evening fun.
7. The large cafe environment, a big tent of approx. 500 m²
8. Beach volleyball court, where tournaments will take place
9. Climbing Area with many extreme sporting challenges
10. Camp area 2 consisting of 8 cells, each approx. 240 m²